Dosage & Direction for use
Each tablet of 104mg contains Calcium fluoratum 3x 33.33mg, Calcium sulfuricum 3x 33.33mg and Silicea 6x 33.33mg.
Gums are spongy swollen and inflamed; they bleed easily. Pus in the gums, foul breath.
Chronic infection around the teeth is frequently seen and small pockets are formed between them and the gum margin, in which food debris and bacteria collect. The resulting inflammation produces pus. This condition is referred as pyorrhoea. The causes are bad cleaning habits, frequent eating, chocolates, gums, pan masalas etc. If there is inflammation in the gum, which is normally associated, the condition is called gingivitis. These problems are related to total hygiene of the mouth. Tooth decay or caries is extensive due to poor hygiene and in some cases due to lack of vitamins or fluorine. The infection of caries if goes to root may produce abscesses, a serious condition needing immediate specialist care.
The most offending symptom of pyorrhoea is bad breath, foul smell to the extent effecting social acceptance. Constant bleeding or pus may cause other secondary infections and complications.
Deficiency of vitamin C is known to cause spongy gum but contemporary situation is different. In most of the cases of spongy gum, bleeding gum infection is the main cause.
Chronic infection around the teeth is frequently seen and small pockets are formed between them and the gum margin, in which food debris and bacteria collect. The resulting inflammation produces pus. This condition is referred as pyorrhoea. The causes are bad cleaning habits, frequent eating, chocolates, gums, pan masalas etc. If there is inflammation in the gum, which is normally associated, the condition is called gingivitis. These problems are related to total hygiene of the mouth. Tooth decay or caries is extensive due to poor hygiene and in some cases due to lack of vitamins or fluorine. The infection of caries if goes to root may produce abscesses, a serious condition needing immediate specialist care.
The most offending symptom of pyorrhoea is bad breath, foul smell to the extent effecting social acceptance. Constant bleeding or pus may cause other secondary infections and complications.
Deficiency of vitamin C is known to cause spongy gum but contemporary situation is different. In most of the cases of spongy gum, bleeding gum infection is the main cause.
Calcium fluoratum
It covers gumboil, unnatural looseness of teeth with or without pain, teeth becomes loose in their socket, toothache. Deficiency of fluoride weakens the enamel and sensitiveness of teeth becomes high; it cannot tolerate cold, heat, sour or touch. Swelling of jaw bone is relieved and chances of suppuration are lowered.
Calcium sulfuricum
It arrests the suppurative process. It has the power to arrest multiplication of infection and eliminate those present. Pathogenesis covers its use in yellowish purulent secretions, offensive smell, ulcers, abscesses etc.
It is a deep acting drug for imperfect assimilation, defective nutrition, caries & abscess. It arrests suppurative processes and useful in ailments linked with pus formation. It is indicated for sensitive gums, boils on the gum, abscess at the root of the teeth, and pyorrhoea.
None. It can be used along with other medicines and measures. It is safe, non-toxic, and non-addictive drug with no reported side effect.
Tablets of 104 mg in bottle of 20g
Dosage & Direction for use
Adults 4 tablets, children 2 tablets, at a time, four times a day at intervals of three hours. Take the tablets half an hour before or after meals, and preferably allow them to dissolve slowly in the mouth.
What is Bioplasgen No. 18?
It is the homoeopathic preparation which is indicated in spongy swollen and inflamed gum, is composed of various biochemic remedies such as Calcium fluoratum 3x, Calcium sulfuricum 3x and Silicea 6x in equal proportion. The use of genuine raw materials, back potency and expensive and purest form of lactose, makes the Schwabe’s Bioplasgen numbers, superior to others available in the market.
What are uses/benefits of Bioplasgen No.18?
Bioplasgen 18 found useful in spongy swollen and inflamed gum. Easily bleeding gum. Pus in the gums, foul breath. Chronic infection around the teeth is frequently seen and small pockets are formed between them and the gum margin, in which food debris and bacteria collect. The resulting inflammation produces pus. This condition is referred as pyorrhoea. The causes are bad cleaning habits, frequent eating, chocolates, gums, pan masalas etc. If there is inflammation in the gum, which is normally associated, the condition is called gingivitis. Calcium fluoratum covers gumboil, unnatural looseness of teeth with or without pain, teeth becomes loose in their socket, toothache. Deficiency of fluoride weakens the enamel and sensitiveness of teeth becomes high; it cannot tolerate cold, heat, sour or touch. Swelling of jaw bone is relieved and chances of suppuration are lowered. Calcium sulfuricum arrests the suppurative process. It has the power to arrest multiplication of infection and eliminate those present. Silicea arrests suppurative processes and useful in ailments linked with pus formation. It is indicated for sensitive gums, boils on the gum, abscess at the root of the teeth, and pyorrhoea.
How to use Bioplasgen No. 18?
It is to be taken as an internal medicine. Unless otherwise indicated, adults could take 4 tablets, and children 2 tablets, at a time, four times a day at intervals of three hours. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist. We strongly recommend that the medication should be taken as per the physician’s advice.
What are the side effects of Bioplasgen No. 18?
No side effects are known or reported.
What precautions to take before taking Bioplasgen No. 18?
Is Bioplasgen No. 18 suitable for children?
How long should I take Bioplasgen No. 18?
It should be taken as long as the symptoms are relieved or as prescribed by the physician.
Is it safe to take Bioplasgen No. 18 during pregnancy?
Yes. However as with any other drug, it is better to consult a physician before taking any medicine during pregnancy and lactation.