Dosage & Direction for use
Each tablet of 104mg contains Ferrum phosphoricum 3x 25mg, Kalium muriaticum 3x 25mg, Kalium phosphoricum 3x 25mg and Magnesium phosphoricum 3x 25mg.
Pain when stools begin to pass. They contain mucus and blood. There is a constant urge to empty the bowels.
Increased frequency of stools may be due to ulceration of intestines caused by infection of dysentery bacillus or by amoeba (amoebic dysentery). They are commonly conveyed by infected food, water, by carriers, flies and infected persons due to low standards of hygiene.
(1) Apart from the above, the bacillary dysentery can further be classified according to the organism found on bacteriological examination such as Flexur, Shiga, etc. Whereas, the amoebic dysentery is due to single celled protozoan known as entamoeba histolytica, which has the capacity to form into small cysts. It can also pass to liver and given rise to liver abscesses.
(2) The symptoms vary in severity depending on the virulence of the organism. Common is diarrhoea with blood & mucus, temperature is raised and sometimes there is associated vomiting. If the attack is severe tongue will become dry and furred and dehydration will be apparent. Amoebic dysentery and its complications are relatively more common in South Asia.
(3) Entamoeba histolytica is found in man in a vegetative form, which exhibits active amoeboid movements, and a non-motile cystic form. The vegetative forms invade the wall of the colon producing ulcers with undermined edges separated from each other by areas of healthy mucosa. From the colon the amoebae may be carried in a portal bloodstream to the liver to cause amoebic hepatitis or so-called amoebic abscesses. In the lumen of the gut the amoebae encyst and develop a tough outer envelope; it is these cysts passing out in the faeces, which are infective to other humans. If amoebae are swallowed they are destroyed by the digestive juices of the upper alimentary tract, but the cysts are able to survive until they reach the large bowel, where they develop into the mature vegetative form.
(4) Acute Amoebic Dysentery: This is usually more insidious in its onset than bacillary dysentery and there is less fever and constitutional upset. The patient complains of lower abdominal colic and has frequent loose motions containing blood and mucus.
(5) Chronic Amoebic Colitis: Many patients never develop acute dysenteric symptoms, but pass rather gradually into a state of vague ill-health; they lose weight, complain of general tiredness and irritability and suffer recurrent exacerbations at varying intervals in which they pass a number of loose motions, usually in the morning, with a good deal of colic and flatulence. The stools usually contain mucus but no blood.
Proven indication of the ingredients within the claimed sphere of action:
Ferrum phosphoricum
It is indicated in first stage of dysentery where stools are watery with or without blood and undigested food. There may be inflammation and low grade of fever.
Kalium muriaticum
It is indicated for clay coloured, white or slimy stools with or without blood. Symptoms are worse due to fatty and rich food.
Kalium phosphoricum
It is indicated in dysentery where stools consist of pure (bright) blood, patient becomes delirious, abdomen swells and stools may have appearance of rice water.
Magnesium phosphoricum
It is a known antispasmodic drug for flatulent colic, pain, enteralgia relieved by pressure and warmth.
None. It can be used along with other medicines and measures. It is safe, non-toxic, and non-addictive drug with no reported side effect.
Tablets of 104 mg in a bottle of 20g.
Dosage & Direction for use
Adults 4 tablets, children 2 tablets, at a time, four times a day at intervals of three hours. Take the tablets half an hour before or after meals, and preferably allow them to dissolve slowly in the mouth.
What is Bioplasgen No. 9?
It is the homoeopathic preparation which is indicated in dysentery is composed of various biochemic remedies such as Ferrum phosphoricum 3x, Kali muriaticum 3x, Kali phosphoricum 3x and Magnesium phosphoricum 3x in equal proportion. The use of genuine raw materials, back potency and expensive and purest form of lactose, makes the Schwabe’s Bioplasgen numbers, superior to others available in the market.
What are uses/benefits of Bioplasgen No.9?
Bioplasgen 9 useful for acute amoebic dysentery, chronic amoebic colitis, and dysentery caused by entamoeba histolytica. Ferrum phosphoricum: It is indicated in first stage of dysentery where stools are watery with or without blood and undigested food. There may be inflammation and low grade of fever. Kali muriaticum is indicated for clay coloured, white or slimy stools with or without blood. Symptoms are worse due to fatty and rich food. Kali phosphoricum is indicated in dysentery where stools consist of pure (bright) blood, patient becomes delirious, abdomen swells and stools may have appearance of rice water. Magnesium phosphoricum is a known antispasmodic drug for flatulent colic, pain, enteralgia relieved by pressure and warmth.
How to use Bioplasgen No. 9?
It is to be taken as an internal medicine. Unless otherwise indicated, adults could take 4 tablets, and children 2 tablets, at a time, four times a day at intervals of three hours. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist. We strongly recommend that the medication should be taken as per the physician’s advice.
What are the side effects of Bioplasgen No. 9?
No side effects are known or reported.
What precautions to take before taking Bioplasgen No. 9?
Is Bioplasgen No. 9 suitable for children?
How long should I take Bioplasgen No. 9?
It should be taken as long as the symptoms are relieved or as prescribed by the physician.
Is it safe to take Bioplasgen No. 9 during pregnancy?
Yes. However as with any other drug, it is better to consult a physician before taking any medicine during pregnancy and lactation.